Study of Consumer Buying Behavior towards Bicycle under EPS and LPS
Jay Prakash Verma1, Rutik Ravindra Sakharkar2

1Dr. Jay Prakash Verma, Assistant Professor, Pune Institute of Business Management, Pune (Maharashtra), India.

2Rutik Ravindra Sakharkar, Student, MBA, Pune Institute of Business Management, Pune. (Maharashtra), India.  

Manuscript received on 28 December 2023 | Revised Manuscript received on 14 February 2023 | Manuscript Accepted on 15 February 2024 | Manuscript published on 28 February 2024 | PP: 25-35 | Volume-10 Issue-6, February 2024 | Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijmh.E168010050124 | DOI: 10.35940/ijmh.E1680.10060224

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Abstract: The buying behaviour towards the bicycle is studied by the theoretical knowledge of EPS and LPS. The basics of consumer behaviour is analyses statistically to gather different influential factors. The Sequence of EBM model is also used to understand the theory for forwarding the study to the statistical mode. The historical background of the bicycle and product differentiation are structured to findout the result. The SPSS is used to study the correlation and Chi-square of difference variables. Chi-square test we conclude that there is significant relationship between the purchase of bicycle and the income level of the customers. Chi-square test we conclude that there is significant relationship between the purchase of bicycle and the Gender of the customers. There is more significant influence of the consumer behaviour in his purchase decision, where out of 10 variables, 7 variables are found significant towards the theory.

Keywords: Consumer Buying Behaviour, Bicycle, EBM model, Perception, Satisfaction, Environmental Influence, EPS, LPS.
Scope of the Article: Business Processes Improvement/Management