‘Reflection of Existentialism in Albert Camus’s ‘The Outsider’
Manab Jyoti Bora

Manab Jyoti Bora*, Ph.D scholar Department of Assamese Gauhati University.
Manuscript received on September 25, 2020. | Revised Manuscript received on September 30, 2020. | Manuscript published on September 15, 2020. | PP: 1-3 | Volume-5 Issue-2, October 2020. | Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijmh.B1139105220 | DOI: 10.35940/ijmh.B1139.105220
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Abstract: Albert Camus is closely associated with French literature in Europe. He is one of the major contributors of Existentialism philosophy. His first novel that deals with this idea are, “The Outsider”/ The Stranger” published in 1942. Following ‘The outsider’ His novel ‘The plague’ and ‘The Fall ‘were published in 1947 and 1956 respectively. It is for his novel ‘The plague” that got him Nobel Prize for literature. Camus ‘The Outsider’ reflects the existential crisis of human life. It is through the action and works of the main protagonist and his relation with other characters, and thus we can considered the novel as existentialism, and we have critically analyzed the Novel.
Keywords: Existentislism, absurd, Camus, Philosophy.